Be free to leave your unfinished project on the coffee table without the chaotic mess! Our Nook baskets offer a practical solution to store your knitting/crochet WIP project while integrating beautifully with your home decor. Made from all natural woven cotton rope, they feature stylish accents made from the same cork as our We've incorporated magnets under the lid (aka the "Notions Nook"), conveniently marked, that allow you to keep your notions neatly tucked in our matching (sold separately). These baskets are low and wide, offering generous space to fit up to a cardigan or baby blanket.
These baskets are fitted with the "Notions Nook" by us by hand, so please allow up to 5 business days in additional processing time for your order.
We also offer , without the magnetic component and we've sized them to cozily fit our .
In addition to cork, we also offer two , to match our .
Tool Fit
Each basket has 5 magnetic spots under the lid to fit up to 5 notions cases:
1) Maple tape measure (please note that only tape measures with enough metallic content will stick to the magnet). This spot is reinforced with two magnets to help, as the tape measure is heavier and can slip off more easily.
2) Scissors sheath
3) Stitch markers case
4) Tapestry needles slip (one spot can hold 2 of these)
5) Cable needle case
All spots (except the tape measure) are identical in magnetic pull and can be used interchangeably with any of the notions cases (ie you can place an extra pair of scissors in place of a cable needle case for example).